Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Student Feedback: Maximize with Mote

Awhile back, I wrote on my ESOL blog about the importance of providing meaningful feedback to students. Thankfully, ever-evolving technology makes it easier and easier to provide feedback that's not only meaningful, but also more accessible to special needs and English language learners. That's where Mote comes in!

Mote is a Chrome extension that allows you to leave audio-feedback in the comments section of Docs, Slides, and Sheets. Let's face it- we may spend lots of time typing in thoughtful feedback, but do our students truly take the time to read it? Do our ELLs or differently-able kiddos fully understand the comments we are making? 

Being able to leave audio feedback saves teachers from typing the same comments (be honest- how often do you resort to copy and paste during a grading marathon?) and allows teachers to give feedback that is more personalized and of higher quality. For students, its almost like having a one-on-one conference with the teacher.

How much is it? Which version do I need?

The free version of Mote is great, but it does limit each comment to thirty seconds. I actually think if the comments get much longer than this, you'll lose the student's attention anyway. Also, you can use Mote to add multiple audio comments in a document. If you do want to be able to leave longer "motes", the yearly plans are totally reasonable at $19-$40.

Are you already using Mote in your classroom? Tell me more about how you're using it. 

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